Documenti qui.
Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra
Partiture e MP3 qui.
Auxilia ad Missam in forma ordinaria celebrandam secundum Œcumenicum Concilium Vaticanum II
Ofrecemos – ad usum privatum y con el consentimiento de la Fundación Casatejada, propietaria de los derechos- algunos cantos litúrgicos y partituras en latín, del Ordo Missae y de la Misa de San Josemaría, editados por la Basílica Pontificia de S. Miguel de Madrid. Puede ser de ayuda para los sacerdotes, de modo que el canto cumpla su función en las celebraciones eucarísticas solemnes (cfr. Conc. Vaticano II, Const. Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 112).
Corpus Christi Watershed is a 501(c)3 public charity operating as a 100% volunteer organization, with no paid staff.
The aim of the Graduale project is to record all of the chants contained in the current Graduale Romanum / Graduale Triplex – see for description.
Thank you, Marek!
The mind of the Council, of any council in history, is to be found in only one place: its decrees and documents. The Second Vatican Council did not countenance Mass versus populum or Communion in the hand and it if did, it would have said so, as it did with the possibility of limited use of vernacular languages in the Mass. We have seen that the old truism, give them an inch and they will take a mile, has operated with regard to the vernacular at Mass. Yet even without an inch being given by the Council Fathers, versus populum and Communion in the hand have become well-nigh universal.
Read whole post by Fr Hugh Somerville-Knapman OSB here.
Fr Hugh’s blog Dominus Mihi Adjutor. A monk’s-eye view of things.