145 Jersey Avenue South
Golden Valley, MN 55426
Phone: 763-544-0416
Mass is celebrated ad orientem every Saturday at 8:00 AM.
Auxilia ad Missam in forma ordinaria celebrandam secundum Œcumenicum Concilium Vaticanum II
145 Jersey Avenue South
Golden Valley, MN 55426
Phone: 763-544-0416
Mass is celebrated ad orientem every Saturday at 8:00 AM.
316 Judson Street
Tiverton, Rhode Island 02878
Ad Orientem
All Masses at Holy Ghost are offered “ad orientem” (toward the east). The priest is not, as many people misconstrue, offering Mass with his back toward the people. But he is, with the people, facing the living God. The sun rising in the east is symbolic of the Risen Christ, who will come back to us as He left. In the words of Pope Benedict XVI, “We go to Christ, who is coming to us.”
Altar Rail
Beginning on the First Sunday of Lent, we began using the Altar Rail for distribution of Holy Communion at all Masses. This allows those who choose to receive Holy Communion kneeling without the fear of tripping others and not being able to stand without help.
The Church has over the centuries gathered up the best of her Latin prayers, and saved them in collections, treasuries of beauty and precision. Many of these prayers date back to the early Church, linking us to the faith of our ancestors. We pray them, not for nostalgia’s sake, but because our Faith is unchanging, and these pithy expressions of Faith have rarely been equaled in expressing our belief. The prayers in our English Masses come from these prayers — but something is invariably lost in translation.
In addition to the ancient prayers that we say each day are the ancient prayers that we sing each day. For the chant that we sing at Mass is not just song, it is prayer in song. Many of the chants were written in monasteries by monks, who put to music texts from Scripture that had first been the subject of their meditation. Their compositions are therefore the fruit of their prayer, and are themselves prayer.
The Church has for centuries been gathering these chants, and gleaning from them the very best. The result is a single book called the Graduale Romanum. To gather a collection of English chant as beautiful would likewise take centuries, by which time English will itself probably be a dead language! In an attempt at a shortcut, efforts are constantly being made to adapt the ancients melodies to English texts, often by experts in chant. They are valiant efforts, greatly appreciated, but seldom successful. The original texts were in Latin, so the music composed for them flows naturally with the rhythm of the Latin language. The melodies usually sound awkward and unnatural when placed over an English text.
Fr. Marc Crilly
Full article here.
St Augustine’s Road, Ramsgate CT11 9NY
Telephone – 01843 606756
Email – office@augustineshrine.co.uk
Website: https://www.augustine-pugin.org.uk/
St Bede Catholic Church. 58 Thornton Road, Clapham Park, SW12 0LF.
Tel: 020 8674 3704
Email: claphampark@rcaos.org.uk
Website: http://stbedesclaphampark.blogspot.com/
252 Still River Road
PO Box 67
Still River, MA 01467
(978) 456-3221
We celebrate Holy Mass and the Divine Office in Latin according to the Novus Ordo. We express our reverence for the Eucharist with Gregorian chant.
Celebriamo la santa Messa in latino secondo il Novus Ordo. Esprimiamo la nostra riverenza per l’Eucaristia con il canto Gregoriano.
Website: https://www.abbey.org/
Email: vocation@abbey.org
Sunday: Conventual Mass: 11:00 AM
Daily: Conventual Mass: 8:00 AM
Streams will start about 5 minutes before the scheduled local times.
Domenica: 17:00 ora italiana
Ogni giorno: 14:00 ora italiana
Le trasmissioni cominciano circa 5 minuti prima dell’orario indicato.
On Sundays at 10:00 AM Latin Ordinary Form High Mass
535 Thomas Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55103
(651) 925-8800
The Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, better known as Brompton Oratory, is home to the Congregation of the Oratory of St Philip Neri in London, a community of priests living under the rule of life established by its founder in the sixteenth century. The Oratory also serves as a parish church in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster.
Novus Ordo Latin Masses:
Sunday 11.00am (Solemn)
Monday to Friday 6.00pm
Holy days of obligation: 6.30pm (Solemn) (on the eve: 6.30pm (First Mass of the Feast))