Don Divo Barsotti e la lingua latina nella Messa

Non vuol dire proprio nulla la lingua nazionale nella liturgia. Il problema non è di capire sul piano intellettuale, ma di compiere un incontro reale con Cristo. E non vedo nella liturgia di oggi qualcosa che promuova un incontro con Lui.

(Don Divo Barsotti, I cristiani vogliano essere cristiani, a cura di P. Canal, Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) 2006, pp.269-270).

Antifone di Quaresima

Mons. Andrea Caniato prosegue la pubblicazione del repertorio gregoriano delle antifone della Liturgia delle Ore, secondo l’Ordo Cantus Offici (II edizione).

Potete scaricare qui:
l’Antifonario di Quaresima feriale
l’Antifonario di Quaresima festivo
l’Antifonario della Settimana Santa
l’Antifonario di Marzo

Ringraziamo ancora mons. Caniato.

A Reform-of-the-Reform Paladin Throws in the Towel

Denis Crouan, the French founder and president (since 1988 or so) of the organization Pro Liturgia, which promotes “the Mass as Vatican II truly intended it”, with Latin, chant, ad orientem, etc., has declared such efforts to be a “waste of time”, and thrown in the towel. This article (original en français ici) is his Final Message on the site, although he states that its activities will continue in a different form on another site.

In order to get away from this ecclesial situation, which has become delirious and toxic to the point of harming inner peace and the Catholic faith, it has been decided to put an end to the “adventure” of Pro Liturgia. The current situation has no future and is kept up by a partly unstable clergy and laity that have accepted to be so disoriented that they no longer question what they are made to do during the Mass. As such, this situation demands such a decision of us.
The watchword of our bishops is that Masses should be entrusted neither to “traditionalists” nor to the faithful who respect the decisions of Vatican II on liturgy, but only to those who abuse divine worship. Therefore, to try to have a conversation with these mitred pastors, with their impenetrable way of thinking, is a waste of time (and sometimes even of faith).

Pour se détacher de cette situation ecclésiale devenue délirante et toxique au point de nuire à la paix intérieure et à la foi catholique, il a été décidé de mettre un terme à l’«aventure» de Pro Liturgia. La situation actuelle et sans avenir, entretenue par un clergé en partie erratique et des laïcs qui ont accepté d’être déboussolés au point de ne plus s’interroger sur ce qu’on leur fait faire au cours des messes, l’exige.
Le mot d’ordre de nos évêques est qu’il ne faut confier de messes ni aux “traditionalistes” ni aux fidèles qui respectent les décisions de Vatican II en matière de liturgie mais uniquement à ceux qui malmènent le culte divin. Par conséquent, essayer de discuter avec ces pasteurs mitrés dont la logique est impénétrable fait perdre du temps (et parfois même la foi).

Learn Latin and become a citizen of Europe

The Latin Mass Society announces the opening of bookings for the Latin Mass Society’s Latin and Greek Summer School: an intensive course of one week looking at the Latin of the liturgy for beginners and intermediate students, and New Testament Greek for students with the basics of the language. It will take place 8-13 August at Park Place Pastoral Centre in Hampshire.

If Europe one day aspires to develop a European identity beyond national characteristics, and to be something other than a grant-giver and a great regulator, (things that are not criticized in themselves), it must acquire a language which, unlike this laboratory language that is Esperanto, has a rich history, and reflects a historical legacy in which the peoples recognize themselves and under which they can consider uniting.

(Sundar Ramanadane)

More info here.

Why did nobody inform me that Latin was abolished?

From Aurelio Porfiri’s website:

Many years ago, in the 1990s, I assisted in a dialogue between a Deacon, and an organist who was trying to ask about the use of the Missa de Angelis setting during the Mass. The request freaked the Deacon out, and, through sweat, he answered that the Council had abolished Latin.
Having listened to this, I started to ponder about the words of the Deacon and asked myself what Council may have abolished Latin: Calcedonia? Nicaea? Trent? Lateran IV? Pistoia?
But instead I learned that it was not Pistoia the Deacon was referring to, it was Vatican II! When and where had this happened? What documents are there abolishing the Latin ‘now and forever’ (et in sæcula sæculorum), amen?

Read the full post here.

Online Latin Course for Clergy, Religious and Laypeople

Do you wish you had better Latin — to follow the liturgy, or immerse yourself in the theology and history of the Church? Since 2020, small groups have been meeting over Zoom to help individuals do just, with the support of an accomplished ancient linguist.

Now, after “Traditionis Custodes“, the Latin of the Roman Canon has become a particular renewed focus for many people. Therefore a special 3-month route, led by Matthew Spencer (MA MSt Oxon) to better linguistic understanding of this ancient text, which unites the vetus and novus ordo, concluded just before Christmas.

A repeat of the course (further details here) will begin in the last week of February 2022 for a limited number of people.

If you would like to be considered for a place on the next iteration of the course, beginning February 2022, please contact

Sanctæ Familiæ Iesu, Mariæ et Ioseph – 26 Dec 2021


Ant. ad introitum Lc 2, 16
Venérunt pastóres festinántes, et invenérunt Maríam
et Ioseph et Infántem pósitum in præsépio.

Dicitur Glória in excélsis.

Deus, qui præclára nobis sanctæ Famíliæ
dignátus es exémpla præbére,
concéde propítius,
ut, domésticis virtútibus caritatísque vínculis illam sectántes,
in lætítia domus tuæ prǽmiis fruámur ætérnis.
Per Dóminum.

Dicitur Credo.

Super oblata
Hóstiam tibi placatiónis offérimus, Dómine,
supplíciter deprecántes,
ut, Deíparæ Vírginis beatíque Ioseph interveniénte suffrágio,
famílias nostras in tua grátia fírmiter et pace constítuas.
Per Christum.

Præfatio de Nativitate.

Ant. ad communionem Bar 3, 38
Deus noster in terris visus est,
et cum homínibus conversátus est.

Post communionem
Quos cæléstibus réficis sacraméntis,
fac, clementíssime Pater,
sanctæ Famíliæ exémpla iúgiter imitári,
ut, post ærúmnas sǽculi,
eius consórtium consequámur ætérnum.
Per Christum.

© Copyright – Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Messalino in PDF con letture in lingua italiana (da stampare su fogli A3 fronte/retro)

Missalette in PDF with readings in English (to be printed on A3 sheets, front/back)

Messbuch in PDF mit Lesungen auf Deutsch (auf A3-Bogen, Vorder-/Rückseite drücken)

The Oxford Oratory

25 Woodstock Road

On Sundays the 11:00 Solemn Mass is Novus Ordo in Latin.

On Holy days of obligation the 18:00 Solemn Mass is Novus Ordo in Latin.

The Wednesday 18:00 Mass is Novus Ordo in Latin.

These Masses are also streamed on this YouTube Channel.

Le sante Messe della domenica alle 11, delle feste di precetto alle 18 e del mercoledì alle 18 sono Novus Ordo in latino e vengono trasmesse in diretta su questo canale YouTube.


Video of Christ the King Mass.