Reverence and reception of Communion

«Reverence can be good if it opens us to God and neighbor and makes us more loving. It is bad if it makes us prideful/judgmental and distracts from more important things. I make no judgment about who is guilty of this- I don’t know most of the people by far and am in no position to judge. I do make the point that reverence, while important, is not the only or most important aspect of Communion. Some advocates of communion on the tongue, at least online, seem guilty of thinking that (however much more virtuous than I they probably are in their lives).

«There is so much to Communion. All of us are only grasping a hint of it. It is adoration of Christ, meal of fellowship, union with other communicants (hence the Church wants us to sing during reception), sharing in Christ’s self-sacrifice, mystical union with angels & saints, sharing even now in the heavenly banquet, having the life of the Risen Christ in oneself, a call to charity and works of justice and making real on earth the peace foreshadowed in Communion, etc.

«What if we were passionate about all that? What if our reception made us all more loving of one another, whatever our views on how to receive? What if our way of calling our fellow Christians to a higher way were based on loving example and not polemics? (I don’t direct this at you, I mean it to everyone on all sides.)

«Some of the online advocates of kneeling/tongue seem to focus only on adoration of the Real Presence (…). This helps explain why this line of thought isn’t gaining much traction except on the right fringe.

«One could have “perfect” adoration of Real Presence in humble posture and, at least in theory, miss the point of Communion. I think proponents of tongue/kneeling will get a better hearing if they uphold all aspects of Communion. They would find many more areas we all need to work on than just their main focus.»

(Fr. Anthony Ruff, OSB. Read whole post here)

Gregorian Chant – Online Study with Anthony Ruff

May 22 – July 25, 2020
Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary
Instructor: Fr. Anthony Ruff, OSB

Content: Comprehensive introduction to Gregorian Chant, with practical emphasis on singing it in the liturgy. Treatment of historical development, notation, modality, rhythmic interpretation, repertoire and liturgical use, Latin pronunciation, English adaptations, and conducting. Some knowledge of the basics of music theory is expected.

Full info here.

Joseph Ratzinger de liturgia

The greatness of the liturgy depends on its unspontaneity.

La grandezza della liturgia si fonda sulla sua non arbitrarietà.

La grandeza de la liturgia depende de su falta de espontaneidad.

Die Größe der Liturgie beruht gerade auf ihrer Unbeliebigkeit.

La grandeur de la liturgie tient justement au fait qu’elle échappe à l’arbitraire.

(Joseph Ratzinger, “The spirit of the liturgy” – “Introduzione allo spirito della liturgia” – “El espíritu de la liturgia” – „Vom Geist der Liturgie“ – “L’Esprit de la liturgie: Une introduction”)

Dom Prosper Guéranger et lingua Latina

The Servant of God Dom Prosper Guéranger OSB, founder of the Benedictine Congregation of France and first abbot of Solesmes after the French revolution, wrote in 1840 his Liturgical Institutions:

Hatred for the Latin language is inborn in the hearts of all the enemies of Rome. They recognize it as the bond among Catholics throughout the universe, as the arsenal of orthodoxy against all the subtleties of the sectarian spirit… We must admit it is a master blow of Protestantism to have declared war on the sacred language. If it should ever succeed in destroying it, it would be well on the way to victory.

Il Servo di Dio Dom Prosper Guéranger OSB, fondatore della Congregazione di Francia dell’Ordine di San Benedetto e primo abate di Solesmes dopo la rivoluzione francese, scrisse nel 1840 nelle sue Istituzioni Liturgiche:

L’odio per la lingua latina è innato nel cuore di tutti i nemici di Roma: costoro vedono in essa il legame dei cattolici nell’universo, l’arsenale dell’ortodossia contro tutte le sottigliezze dello spirito settario… Riconosciamolo, è un colpo maestro del protestantesimo aver dichiarato guerra alla lingua sacra: se fosse riuscito a distruggerla, il suo trionfo avrebbe fatto un gran passo avanti.

Prosper Guéranger, Institutions Liturgiques vol. 1 ch. IV

Gregorian Chant at Emmanuel Hermitage

From the Gregorian Chant at Emmanuel Hermitage – Resources for singing the Liturgy of the Hours with the Latin Texts website:

The Divine Office in this Web follows the current official Liturgy of the Hours in Latin language: Liturgia Horarum – Iuxta Ritum Romanum, Editio Typica Altera -1985– It is presented in a PDF booklet for every liturgical date.

The booklets for Sundays and Solemnities of the whole liturgical year contain: I Vespers, Lauds, and II Vespers.

The text of every single antiphon is written before the chant antiphon. Some times when the exact Gregorian antiphon was not found, an alternate one with a similar or related content is used.

The proper antiphons for the Gospel Canticles, are considered in its 3 Cycles A, B, and C, – as per the 1985 edition of the Latin Liturgia Horarum – in sequence, with the canticle in the respective chant tone.

Since this is a work in progress, not all the chant antiphons are included yet. I’m updating the contents as I have them available.

I’ll be uploading and/or updating the booklets I’ve been creating over the last couple years for personal use in separate “Pages”.

The size of the pages allows for good reading on a small tablet or device.

Dominica V in Quadragesima – 29 Mar 2020

Usus cooperiendi cruces et imagines per ecclesiam ab hac dominica servari potest, de iudicio Conferentiæ Episcoporum. Cruces velatæ remanent usque ad expletam celebrationem Passionis Domini, feria VI Hebdomadæ sanctæ, imagines vero usque ad initium Vigiliæ paschalis.
Hac dominica celebratur tertium scrutinium præparatorium ad baptismum pro catechumenis, qui in Vigilia paschali ad sacramenta initiationis christianæ admittentur, adhibitis orationibus et intercessionibus propriis.

Ant. ad introitum Cf. Ps 42, 1-2
Iúdica me, Deus,
et discérne causam meam de gente non sancta;
ab hómine iníquo et dolóso éripe me,
quia tu es Deus meus et fortitúdo mea.

Non dicitur Glória in excélsis.

Quǽ sumus, Dómine Deus noster, ut in illa caritáte,
qua Fílius tuus díligens mundum morti se trádidit,
inveniámur ipsi, te opitulánte, alácriter ambulántes.
Per Dóminum.

Dicitur Credo.

Super oblata
Exáudi nos, omnípotens Deus,
et fámulos tuos, quos fídei christiánæ eruditiónibus imbuísti,
huius sacrifícii tríbuas operatióne mundári.
Per Christum.

Præfatio: De Lazaro.

Ant. ad communionem Io 11, 26
Omnis qui vivit et credit in me,
non moriétur in ætérnum, dicit Dóminus.

Post communionem
Quǽ sumus, omnípotens Deus,
ut inter eius membra semper numerémur,
cuius Córpori communicámus et Sánguini.
Qui vivit et regnat in sǽ cula sæculórum.

Oratio super populum
Bénedic, Dómine, plebem tuam,
quæ munus tuæ miseratiónis exspéctat,
et concéde, ut, quod, te inspiránte, desíderat,
te largiénte percípiat.
Per Christum.

© Copyright – Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Messalino in PDF con letture in lingua italiana (da stampare su fogli A3 fronte/retro)

Missalette in PDF with readings in English (to be printed on A3 sheets, front/back)

Qui orat, salvatur

«Qui orat, certo salvatur; qui non orat, certo damnatur» (Sanctus Alfonsus Maria de Liguori, Del gran mezzo della preghiera, pars 1, c. 1, ed. G. Cacciatore (Roma 1962) p. 32.)

Ecco un libretto che raccoglie le preghiere più semplici della tradizione cristiana, nato da un’intuizione di don Giacomo Tantardini (1946-2012) ed edito dal mensile internazionale 30Giorni. Il libretto si apre con una breve riflessione di papa Bergoglio cui segue l’introduzione firmata nel 2005 dall’allora cardinale Joseph Ratzinger che l’anno successivo sarebbe stato eletto Pontefice. Per richiedere “Chi prega si salva” occorre contattare l’associazione “Don Giacomo Tantardini” alla email:; telefono: 3275857356; sito internet: Le copie sono disponibili al costo di 2 euro l’una, più spese di spedizione. Il volumetto è disponibile anche in inglese, francese, tedesco, spagnolo, portoghese e cinese ed è liberamente scaricabile in PDF:

(click su un’immagine per scaricare il PDF / click on one image to download PDF)

Dominica IV in Quadragesima – 22 Mar 2020

In hac Missa adhibetur color violaceus vel rosaceus, sonus instrumentorum admittitur et altare floribus ornari potest.
Hac dominica celebratur secundum scrutinium præparatorium ad baptismum pro catechumenis, qui in Vigilia paschali ad sacramenta initiationis christianæ admittentur, adhibitis orationibus et intercessionibus propriis.

Ant. ad introitum Cf. Is 66, 10-11
Lætáre, Ierúsalem,
et convéntum fácite, omnes qui dilígitis eam;
gaudéte cum lætítia, qui in tristítia fuístis,
ut exsultétis, et satiémini ab ubéribus consolatiónis vestræ.

Non dicitur Glória in excélsis.

Deus, qui per Verbum tuum
humáni géneris reconciliatiónem mirabíliter operáris,
præsta, quǽsumus, ut pópulus christiánus
prompta devotióne et álacri fide
ad ventúra sollémnia váleat festináre.
Per Dóminum.

Dicitur Credo.

Super oblata
Remédii sempitérni múnera, Dómine,
lætántes offérimus, supplíciter exorántes,
ut éadem nos et fidéliter venerári,
et pro salúte mundi congruénter exhibére perfícias.
Per Christum.

Præfatio: De cæco nato.

Ant. ad communionem Cf. Io 9, 11
Dóminus linívit óculos meos:
et ábii, et lavi, et vidi, et crédidi Deo.

Post communionem
Deus, qui illúminas omnem hóminem
veniéntem in hunc mundum,
illúmina, quǽsumus, corda nostra grátiæ tuæ splendóre,
ut digna ac plácita maiestáti tuæ cogitáre semper,
et te sincére dilígere valeámus.
Per Christum.

Oratio super populum
Tuére, Dómine, súpplices tuos, susténta frágiles,
et inter ténebras mortálium ambulántes
tua semper luce vivífica,
atque a malis ómnibus cleménter eréptos,
ad summa bona perveníre concéde.
Per Christum.

© Copyright – Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Messalino in PDF con letture in lingua italiana (da stampare su fogli A3 fronte/retro)

Missalette in PDF with readings in English (to be printed on A3 sheets, front/back)

Stella cæli

Stella cæli exstirpavit quæ lactavit Dominum
Mortis pestem quam plantavit primus parens hominum.
Ipsa stella nunc dignetur sidera compescere,
Quorum bella plebem cædunt diræ mortis ulcere.

O gloriosa stella maris, a peste succurre nobis:
Audi nos, nam te filius nihil negans honorat.
Salva nos, Jesu! Pro quibus virgo mater te orat.

The star of heaven who suckled the Lord
Has rooted out the plague of death which the first parent of men planted.
May that very star now deign to restrain the constellations
Whose wars kill the people with the sore of terrible death.

O glorious star of the sea, save us from the plague.
Hear us, for thy Son honours thee, refusing thee nothing.
Save us, Jesus, on whose behalf the virgin mother beseeches thee.