Graduale Romanum 1961 & 1974

Graduale Romanum 1961

(contains all ordinary chants of the Mass, as well as the propers for every day – used in the Vetus Ordo)
(contiene tutti i canti ordinari della Messa, così come i propri di ogni giorno – usato nel Vetus Ordo)

Graduale Romanum 1974

(contains all ordinary chants of the Mass, as well as the propers for every day – used in the Novus Ordo)
(contiene tutti i canti ordinari della Messa, così come i propri di ogni giorno – usato nel Novus Ordo)

Papa Francesco conferma le modalità di ricevere la santa Comunione

Secondo la prassi ecclesiale, il fedele si accosta normalmente all’Eucaristia in forma processionale, come abbiamo detto, e si comunica in piedi con devozione, oppure in ginocchio, come stabilito dalla Conferenza Episcopale, ricevendo il sacramento in bocca o, dove è permesso, sulla mano, come preferisce.

(Udienza generale del 21 marzo 2018)

Comunione, in ginocchio o in piedi? Che cosa dice la Chiesa

According to ecclesiastical norms, the faithful normally approach the Eucharist in a processional manner, as we have said, and receive Communion standing with devotion, or on their knees as established by the Episcopal Conference, receiving the Sacrament either on the tongue or in the hand, if allowed, as preferred

Chiediamo gli inginocchiatoi

Chiediamo gli inginocchiatoi per i fedeli che desiderano ricevere Gesù-Eucarestia in ginocchio

Prosimy klęczniki dla wiernych, którzy pragną przyjąć Jezusa-Eucharystię na kolanach

Pedimos los reclinatorios para los fieles que quieren recibir la Comunión de rodillas

We ask for faldstools into Churches for those who desire receiving the Holy Eucharist on knees

Pitamo klečala za vjernike koji hoće primiti Euharistijskog Isusa na koljenima

Nous demandons les petites-chaises dans les Eglises pour les fidèles qui désirent recevoir l’Eucharistie à genoux

Pedimos genuflectórios para os fiéis que querem receber Jesus Eucarístico de joelhos

Wir bitten um Kniebänke, für die Gläubigen, die die Eucharistie auf den Knien empfangen wollen

St. Mary Of Pine Bluff, Cross Plains, WI (USA)

St. Mary Of Pine Bluff Has Officially Made The Move. East.

After a year of celebrating daily Masses ad orientem, we wondered when we might take the next step to celebrate all of our Masses this way – including weekend Masses. Then came the December 6, 2012 homily by our own Bishop Robert Morlino. In his homily, our bishop was actually encouraging ad orientem worship. That was all the encouragement we needed.

And so, it’s official … St. Mary of Pine Bluff became a parish that celebrates the Novus Ordo ad orientem at all of their Masses.

Read the whole story here.