Uso della lingua nella celebrazione dell’Eucaristia

Precisazioni sulla celebrazione Eucaristica, 15 agosto 1983, n. 12:

Nelle Messe celebrate con il popolo si usa la lingua italiana. Si potranno inserire nel repertorio della Messa celebrata in italiano canti dell’ordinario ed eventualmente del proprio in lingua latina.

Gli Ordinari del luogo, tenuto presente innanzi tutto il bene del popolo di Dio, possono stabilire che in alcune chiese frequentate da fedeli di diverse nazionalità si possa usare o la lingua propria dei presenti, se appartenenti al medesimo gruppo linguistico, o la lingua latina avendo cura di proclamare le letture bibliche e formulare la preghiera dei fedeli nelle varie lingue dei partecipanti.

In altri casi previsti in base ad una vera motivazione vagliata dall’Ordinario del luogo, si deve comunque usare l’edizione tipica del “Missale Romanum”.

Ogni chiesa abbia a disposizione la forma abbreviata del Messale latino, “Missale parvum”.

Athanasius Schneider: Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi. La santa comunione e il rinnovamento della Chiesa

Questo volume prende in esame il mistero dell’Eucaristia correlato al crescente fenomeno di mancanza di sensibilità e di cura nei confronti dell’Ostia Consacrata e di ciò che essa rappresenta, cioè il Corpo di Cristo. Oggigiorno, infatti, i necessari atti esteriori d’adorazione e di sacralità nel trattare l’Ostia sono spesso ridotti al minimo, ma se il culto di Dio nell’eucaristia viene concretamente ridotto, allora risulterà sminuito il cuore pulsante della Chiesa stessa. L’autore offre dunque in queste pagine un prontuario, utile sia ai sacerdoti che ai fedeli laici, per risanare e valorizzare il modo di trattare Ostia Consacrata, che anche nel suo piccolo frammento non è nulla di meno del Signore stesso.

Corpus Christi: Holy Communion and the Renewal of the Church

“Preferential option for the poor”: this formula is not only applicable to the marginalized, defenseless and vulnerable. “The Eucharistic Jesus … is indeed the most poor, weak and defenseless in the Church,” Bp. Schneider says. This book is a passionate plea for the faithful and the clergy to be aware of the supreme importance of receiving Our Lord with the appropriate preparation, devotion and reverence. The renewal of the Church cannot be brought about without a profound devotion to the Eucharist.

Corpus Christi – La Communion dans la main au cœur de la crise de l’Église

Dans l’hostie, Jésus-Eucharistie est véritablement l’Être le plus pauvre et le plus démuni de l’Église. On assiste malheureusement de nos jours à un surprenant manque de respect et d’attention envers la présence réelle de Dieu incarné dans l’hostie consacrée. L’Eucharistie est au centre de la vie de l’Église. Elle est donc au cur de la crise que vit encore l’Église aujourd’hui. Pour soulager ce mal, il faut restaurer un culte digne de Jésus-Eucharistie.

Corpus Christi: Gedanken über die heilige Kommunion und die Erneuerung der Kirche

Jesus Christus, wahrer Gott und wahrer Mensch, will für immer bei uns und bei seiner Kirche sein. Deswegen hat er sich noch kleiner gemacht: er ist wahrhaft, wirklich und wesenhaft in der unscheinbaren kleinen Hostie – der Allerheiligsten Eucharistie – gegenwärtig.
In der Kommunion liefert sich Jesus Christus den Menschen aus. Unser Glaube an seine wirkliche Gegenwart muss durch äußere Akte der Anbetung deutlich werden. Die Eucharistie kniend und mit dem Mund zu empfangen, ist das angemessenste Zeichen für den Glauben an das Wunder der Gegenwart Gottes unter der äußeren Gestalt des Brotes.
Vielfach ist jedoch ein Mangel an Ehrfurcht und Sorgfalt bei der Kommunionspendung zu beklagen. So besteht die Gefahr, dass der Glaube an die Menschwerdung Gottes und an die eucharistische Wesensverwandlung mehr und mehr schwindet.
Damit die Kirche erneuert wird, ist es notwendig, den Umgang mit dem eucharistischen Jesus in der heiligen Hostie zu heilen. Denn die heilige Hostie – selbst im kleinsten Partikel – ist niemand Geringerer als unser göttlicher Herr Jesus Christus selbst.

Corpus Christi A Sagrada Comunhão e a Renovação da Igreja

The Flame Re-Ignites: Ad Orientem

The mind of the Council, of any council in history, is to be found in only one place: its decrees and documents. The Second Vatican Council did not countenance Mass versus populum or Communion in the hand and it if did, it would have said so, as it did with the possibility of limited use of vernacular languages in the Mass. We have seen that the old truism, give them an inch and they will take a mile, has operated with regard to the vernacular at Mass. Yet even without an inch being given by the Council Fathers, versus populum and Communion in the hand have become well-nigh universal.

Read whole post by Fr Hugh Somerville-Knapman OSB here.

Fr Hugh’s blog Dominus Mihi Adjutor. A monk’s-eye view of things.

Cardinal Sarah: comment remettre Dieu au cœur de la liturgie

Je souhaite engager une grande réflexion sur cette question, afin de remettre l’eucharistie au centre de notre vie. Je constate que beaucoup de nos liturgies deviennent des spectacles. Souvent, le prêtre ne célèbre plus l’amour du Christ à travers son sacrifice, mais une rencontre entre amis, un repas convivial, un moment fraternel. En cherchant à inventer des liturgies créatives ou festives, nous courons le risque d’un culte trop humain, à la hauteur de nos désirs et des modes du moment. Peu à peu, les fidèles s’éloignent de ce qui nous donne la Vie. Pour les chrétiens, l’eucharistie, c’est une question de vie ou de mort!

Article complet:

“¿Misa de espaldas?”. ¡No, hombre! “¡De cara a Dios!”. Sermón sobre la misa “ad orientem”

Hay que aclarar la terminología, porque “las palabras son balas”, como gustaba decir Lenin: el sacerdote no está “dándole la espalda al pueblo”, sino “mirando a Dios”, “de cara a Dios”, así como el fiel de la primera fila en la iglesia tampoco está “de espaldas al que está en el segundo banco” sino mirando hacia el altar.

Artículo aquí.

Sermón (audio)

L’action silencieuse du cœur

Contrairement à ce que l’on a parfois prétendu, il est tout à fait conforme à  la Constitution conciliaire, il est même opportun que, pendant le rite pénitentiel, le chant du Gloria, les Oraisons, et la Prière eucharistique, tous, prêtre et fidèles, se tournent ensemble vers l’Orient, pour exprimer leur volonté d’entrer en participation de l’œuvre de culte et de rédemption opérée par le Christ.

(Card. Robert Sarah. Article complet ici)

Popular Misconceptions About the Catholic Mass

A number of liturgical reforms seen in the U.S. since Vatican II were not actually mandated or even recommended by the Council, but were reactionary shifts that had more to do with the culture of the decade – it’s time to revisit those changes.

By Michael Raia

Part I: Music

Part II: Ad Orientem

Part III: Communion reception

Communion in the Hand: a post by Father B. Jerabek, J.C.L.

The Church does give us the right to receive Holy Communion in the hand. But, as Bishop Schneider says in this book that I am currently reading, our Lord Jesus Christ has rights also: above all, to be treated with the respect and adoration that belong to the Divinity.

If you were to ask me, I would advise you against ever receiving Holy Communion in the hand. I hope that at least some who read these things will be inspired to re-think their own posture with regard to Holy Communion.

Read the full post here.

Why Aren’t More Masses Offered Ad Orientem?

Priests who already offer the Mass ad orientem told me that the faithful (by and large) accepted the change following targeted catechesis, both through homilies and bulletin inserts. This isn’t to say that some parishioners didn’t leave; rather that their departure was offset by the arrival of new families intentionally seeking the sacred. In addition, the change was at times preceded by a return to male only altar servers, kneelers brought out for Holy Communion, and a general overall return of reverence.

Read full article here.