Why receiving the Eucharist kneeling is always permissible

In the 2003 edition of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (the governing document for how to celebrate the so-called “Ordinary Form” of the Roman Rite), there was a grudging admission that the faithful could receive kneeling:

The norm for reception of Holy Communion in the dioceses of the United States is standing. Communicants should not be denied Holy Communion because they kneel. Rather, such instances should be addressed pastorally, by providing the faithful with proper catechesis on the reasons for this norm.  (GIRM [2003], n. 160)

Due to a deluge of complaints that had reached the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments from U.S. Catholics, the USCCB was required to change this paragraph in the 2011 edition, where it now reads:

The norm established for the Dioceses of the United States of America is that Holy Communion is to be received standing, unless an individual member of the faithful wishes to receive Communion while kneeling. (GIRM [2011], n. 160)

That’s it – nothing else! So the idea that Catholics should be “catechized” about the norm of standing in order to make them conform to it has been dropped altogether. It is now simply left up to the individual Catholic whether he wishes to stand or kneel. (The same is true of whether to receive in the hand or on the tongue, about which there has never been the same level of controversy.)

Read the complete article by Peter Kwasniewski here.

From the desk of Fr. Edwin C. Dwyer

From a parish bulletin:

Dear Faithful, I am writing this to address some concerns I have heard as of late about the liturgies at our parish.
Firstly, I want to stress again that the move to more use of traditional chant, and Latin is going to happen at the late Sunday morning Mass. The 4pm on Saturdays, and the 8:30am on Sundays will largely remain with the structure of hymns we currently employ. The aim is to reach out to younger generations who truly desire a greater use of traditional worship, and to Catholics in the area who miss those traditions, and have been on the margins of parish life for decades.
I also want to address the use of incense at Mass at our parish. I did use it during the holidays, and at a handful of Advent Masses. The holidays are a time for greater solemnity, so that is why I employed the incense there. In Advent I had visiting seminarians, and a layman who was liturgically trained by Benedictines before discerning the call to marriage. All wanted to help serve, and I wanted to get used to using incense at our liturgies prior to the holy day celebrations.
So, when will I be using incense in the future? Well, like the more traditional music, I hope to use incense quite regularly at the late Mass on Sundays. At the 4pm Saturday, and 8:30am Masses, I will employ incense major feast days, and only if I have properly trained servers. In other words, you can anticipate no incense at 4pm Saturdays, and 8:30am Sundays, unless it is a major feast day. I will try to give notice in the bulletin of those feast days. As always, I will use incense at every funeral.
I realize that incense can cause allergies, or other bad reactions. I simply ask that folks also keep in mind that flowers, pet fur, cologne, and perfume can, and do cause similar reactions. I am also looking into what places in the church are less subject to the smell of incense, and what types of incense and coals cause fewer negative effects. I know change can be difficult, even if it is only at one Mass, but if we do not reach younger generations I do not see how a much bigger change of this parish closing can be prevented within a generation.
I have had many young folks tell me how excited they are for greater use of tradition at the late Sunday Mass. I ask you all keep that in mind, as we continue to labor for the salvation of souls in Bay City. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Peace, may the Good Lord bless and keep you all the days of your life.


Fr. Eddie

Read also Fr. Dwyer’s Homily for the First Sunday of Advent here.


Pastoral Administrator
Our Lady of Peace
607 E. South Union Street
Bay City, Michigan 48706
Parish Office: 989-892-6031
Parish Fax: 989-892-4005
Parish Website: www.baycityourladyofpeace.com
Email: office@baycityourladyofpeace.com

Dominica V “per annum” – 10 Feb 2019

Ant. ad introitum Ps 94, 6-7
Veníte, adorémus Deum,
et procidámus ante Dóminum, qui fecit nos;
quia ipse est Dóminus Deus noster.

Famíliam tuam, quǽsumus, Dómine,
contínua pietáte custódi,
ut, quæ in sola spe grátiæ cæléstis innítitur,
tua semper protectióne muniátur.
Per Dóminum.

Super oblata
Dómine Deus noster, qui has pótius creatúras
ad fragilitátis nostræ subsídium condidísti,
tríbue, quǽsumus,
ut étiam æternitátis nobis fiant sacraméntum.
Per Christum.

Ant. ad communionem Cf. Ps 106, 8-9
Confiteántur Dómino misericórdiæ eius,
et mirabília eius fíliis hóminum,
quia satiávit ánimam inánem,
et ánimam esuriéntem satiávit bonis.
Vel: Mt 5, 5-6
Beáti qui lugent, quóniam ipsi consolabúntur.
Beáti qui esúriunt et sítiunt iustítiam,
quóniam ipsi saturabúntur.

Post communionem
Deus, qui nos de uno pane et de uno cálice
partícipes esse voluísti,
da nobis, quǽsumus, ita vívere, ut, unum in Christo effécti,
fructum afferámus pro mundi salúte gaudéntes.
Per Christum.

© Copyright – Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Szent István Bazilika – Budapest

Szent István Bazilika

1051 Budapest, Szent István tér 1.
Telefon: (00-36) – 1 -311-08-39

Vasárnap: 10:00 – Nagymise (Latin nyelven / szeptembertől-július végéig terjedő időszakban)
Sunday: 10:00 am – Great Mass (in Latin / from September to end of July)
Sonntag: 10:00 – Großgottesdienst (Lateinisch / von September bis Ende Juli)
Domenica: 10:00 – Santa Messa in Latino (da settembre a fine luglio)
Niedziela: 10:00 – Msza święta suma (po łacinie / od września do końca lipca)


St. Peter – München / Monaco di Baviera

St. Peter
Petersplatz 1, 80331 München / Monaco di Baviera
Telefon: 089-21 02 37 76-0
E-Mail: St-Peter.Muenchen@ebmuc.de


Reguläre Gottesdienstordnung St. Peter
Sonn- und Feiertag:
9.30 Uhr Lateinisches Amt (Pfarrgottesdienst) mit eucharistischem Segen

Ogni domenica e feste di precetto:
9:30 S. Messa (parrocchiale) in latino con benedizione eucaristica

Gottesdienstordnung 29.01.2019 – 31.03.2019:

A. Braßat, Missa festiva

Ch. Gounod, Missa breve No. 2

M. Eham, Missa Cantate Domino

A. Caldara, Missa in G-Dur

Choralamt mit Orgelbegleitung

J. G. Rheinberger, Missa St. Crucis op. 151

H. L. Hassler, Missa octo vocum

J. G. Rheinberger, Missa d-Moll op. 83

Sonntag, 31.3.2019 VIERTER FASTENSONNTAG – Laetare
C. Ett, Missa Laetare Jerusalem

Aktuelle Gottesdienstordnung

Orari delle celebrazioni

St. Edward on the Lake

St. Edward on the Lake
6945 Lakeshore Rd., Lakeport, MI 48059
(810) 385-4340

Holy Mass is celebrated ad orientem on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:00am and the first weekend of every month.

I began the practice of saying the Mass ad orientem Advent 2017. Cardinal Robert Sarah, the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments (i.e., the Vatican’s liturgy chief), asked priests to begin celebrating Mass ad orientem saying among other things that “the Sacred Liturgy has become too anthropocentric; man not Almighty God has often become its focus …we must take care to form our people that God, not ourselves, is the focus of our worship”. At a conference on the liturgy a couple of years ago, Cardinal Sarah (who was appointed by Pope Francis in 2014) said, “I ask you to implement this practice [of ad orientem worship] wherever possible,” and told pastors to have “confidence that this is something good for the Church, something good for our people”. He had suggested Advent as a good time to begin because it is the time when we wait eagerly for the Lord who will come without delay. So, it’s been over a year since this has been our practice here at St. Edward. I like to think that it has had a positive impact on us as a parish. I know for myself as a priest offering the Mass, I find it so edifying and prayerful. It’s amazing how different it is when I turn back the other way. Mass ad orientem is like having an intimate conversation with the Lord. Turning to Him and opening myself to Him, I am better able to make an interior effort to unite myself to the sacred action that is taking place on the altar (which is what we should all be striving to do at every Mass). I’ve also heard from so many of you about how it has enriched you. As a pastor, there’s nothing better to hear than that! Especially since it is God Himself who has enriched you. I received a couple dozen copies of letters written by you to the Archbishop stating your appreciation of the ad orientem worship. Thank you for your support.

Read the whole article by Fr. Lee Acervo here.