Debunking the myth that today’s Communion in the hand revives an ancient custom

The ancient record [by St. Cyril of Jerusalem] bears witness to beliefs and attitudes that would, over time, develop into the longstanding traditional Communion praxis of both the Latin West and the Byzantine East. In the West, Communion on the tongue, kneeling, is the natural and suitable result of St. Cyril’s Eucharistic piety. The attempt to turn back the clock to antiquity — an antiquity, moreover, deceptively misrepresented and fictitiously reconstructed — is, in the end, nothing but a Trojan horse for Calvinistic sacramental theology.

Read full article by Peter Kwasniewski here.

Bonum annum MMXX

Bonum annum novum omnibus visitatoribus huius situs. Speramus nos vim habituros esse ad hoc ministerium sustinendum et anno MMXX, ad maiorem Dei gloriam semper!

Auguri di buon anno a tutti i frequentatori di questo sito. Speriamo di avere la forza di proseguire questo servizio anche nel 2020, sempre ad maiorem Dei gloriam!

Happy New Year to all visitors of this site. We hope to have enough strength to continue this service in 2020, always ad maiorem Dei gloriam!

Frohes Neues Jahr an alle Besucher dieser Seite. Wir hoffen, die Kraft zu haben, diesen Dienst im Jahr 2020 fortzusetzen, immer ad maiorem Dei gloriam!

Feliz año nuevo a todos los visitantes de este sitio. Esperamos tener la fuerza para continuar este servicio en 2020, ¡siempre ad maiorem Dei gloriam!

Liturgical Latin — Reconsidered

There is no loss of literal meaning when we say “Holy, holy, holy” in place of “Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus” , but the connotations of history, millennial traditions, and an ethos that constitutes a sacred semantic are all gone, as they must be from any vernacular translation. It takes ages for a language to accrue those symbolic attributes. The very modernity and normalcy of vernacular speech automatically excludes them.
More and more parishes are serving multiple linguistic communities, and the common practice of having a designated “Spanish Mass” or “Vietnamese Mass” doesn’t solve the problem here, because there will always be worshippers whose native language is not the vernacular of the moment. In effect, they are placed at the lowest table of the banquet. Latin has the peculiar properties of a dead language: besides owning a vocabulary of unchanging meaning, no one learns it as native speech anymore. When liturgical Latin is spoken, there are no natural superiors.

Read full essay by Joseph P. Swain on Adoremus website.

Sollemnitas Sanctæ Dei Genetricis Mariæ

In octava Nativitatis Domini

Ant. ad introitum
Salve, sancta Parens, eníxa puérpera Regem,
qui cælum terrámque regit in sǽcula sæculórum.

Vel: Cf. Is 9, 2.6; Lc 1, 33
Lux fulgébit hódie super nos, quia natus est nobis Dóminus;
et vocábitur admirábilis, Deus, Princeps pacis,
Pater futúri sǽculi: cuius regni non erit finis.

Dicitur Glória in excélsis.

Deus, qui salútis ætérnæ,
beátæ Maríæ virginitáte fecúnda,
humáno géneri prǽmia præstitísti, tríbue, quǽsumus,
ut ipsam pro nobis intercédere sentiámus,
per quam merúimus Fílium tuum auctórem vitæ suscípere.
Qui tecum.

Dicitur Credo.

Super oblata
Deus, qui bona cuncta ínchoas benígnus et pérficis,
da nobis, de sollemnitáte sanctæ Dei Genetrícis lætántibus,
sicut de inítiis tuæ grátiæ gloriámur
ita de perfectióne gaudére.
Per Christum.

Præfatio I de beata Maria Virgine (Et te in sollemnitáte).

Ant. ad communionem Hebr 13, 8
Iesus Christus heri et hódie, ipse et in sǽcula.

Post communionem
Súmpsimus, Dómine, læti sacraménta cæléstia:
præsta, quǽsumus,
ut ad vitam nobis profíciant sempitérnam,
qui beátam semper Vírginem Maríam
Fílii tui Genetrícem et Ecclésiæ Matrem
profitéri gloriámur.
Per Christum.

Adhiberi potest formula benedictionis sollemnis.

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Messalino in PDF con letture in lingua italiana (da stampare su fogli A3 fronte/retro)

Missalette in PDF with readings in English (to be printed on A3 sheets, front/back)

Messbuch in PDF mit Lesungen auf Deutsch (auf A3-Bogen, Vorder-/Rückseite drücken)

Latin Grammar for the Reading of the Missal and Breviary

By Cora Carroll Scanlon, A.M., Charles L. Scanlon, A.M.

This Latin grammar is intended for students who are entering seminaries or religious novitiates without previous study of Latin, for sisters in communities that recite the breviary, and for the growing number of lay people who use the Roman missal and the Roman breviary. Its twenty lessons, divided into fifty units, cover all the grammatical essentials for the intelligent reading of these two books. The vocabulary comprises the 914 words that make up the Ordinary of the Mass and the three Requiem Masses with their additional Collects, since these are the words that a daily user of the missal will encounter most frequently. However, to make the work as valuable as possible for those who use the missal in its entirety, as well as for those who wish to undertake the daily reading of the breviary, the Latin-English vocabulary at the end of the book includes not only all the words of the Roman missal, but also the complete vocabulary of the Roman breviary.

Præfatio III de Nativitate Domini

De commercio in Incarnatione Verbi
Sequens præfatio dicitur in Missis de Nativitate Domini et de eiusdem octava, infra octavam Nativitatis Domini, etiam in Missis, quæ secus præfationem propriam haberent, exceptis Missis quæ præfationem propriam de divinis mysteriis vel Personis habent, et in feriis temporis Nativitatis.

V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
V. Sursum corda.
R. Habémus ad Dóminum.
V. Grátias agámus Dómino Deo nostro.
R. Dignum et iustum est.
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salutáre,
nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere:
Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus:
per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
Per quem hódie commércium nostræ reparatiónis effúlsit,
quia, dum nostra fragílitas a tuo Verbo suscípitur,
humána mortálitas non solum
in perpétuum transit honórem,
sed nos quoque, mirándo consórtio, reddit ætérnos.
Et ídeo, choris angélicis sociáti,
te laudámus in gáudio confiténtes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dóminus Deus Sábaoth.
Pleni sunt cæli et terra glória tua.
Hosánna in excélsis.
Benedíctus qui venit in nómine Dómini.
Hosánna in excélsis.

Quando adhibetur Canon romanus, dicitur Communicántes proprium.
In Missa quæ celebratur in Vigilia et in nocte Nativitatis Domini dicitur: et noctem sacratíssimam celebrántes, qua, etc.; deinde semper dicitur: et diem sacratíssimum celebrántes, quo, etc., usque ad octavam Nativitatis Domini inclusive.

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