Stella cæli

Stella cæli exstirpavit quæ lactavit Dominum
Mortis pestem quam plantavit primus parens hominum.
Ipsa stella nunc dignetur sidera compescere,
Quorum bella plebem cædunt diræ mortis ulcere.

O gloriosa stella maris, a peste succurre nobis:
Audi nos, nam te filius nihil negans honorat.
Salva nos, Jesu! Pro quibus virgo mater te orat.

The star of heaven who suckled the Lord
Has rooted out the plague of death which the first parent of men planted.
May that very star now deign to restrain the constellations
Whose wars kill the people with the sore of terrible death.

O glorious star of the sea, save us from the plague.
Hear us, for thy Son honours thee, refusing thee nothing.
Save us, Jesus, on whose behalf the virgin mother beseeches thee.