O que é o Graduale Simplex?

Por Alfredo Votta

O Graduale Simplex foi organizado para que as igrejas possam ter canto gregoriano mesmo que o Graduale Romanum seja difícil demais para seus cantores. Antes, a dificuldade impunha que o Próprio fosse cantado em tons salmódicos ou que a Missa não fosse cantada; agora existe o Graduale Simplex, com melodias mais simples e Próprios que se podem repetir dentro do mesmo tempo litúrgico.

A elaboração desse livro atende a um mandato do Concílio Vaticano II constante de Sacrosanctum Concilium, 117:

117. Procure terminar-se a edição típica dos livros de canto gregoriano; prepare-se uma edição mais crítica dos livros já editados depois da reforma de S. Pio X.
Convirá preparar uma edição com melodias mais simples para uso das igrejas menores.

Com efeito, na capa do livro lemos Graduale Simplex in usum minorum ecclesiarum – repetindo exatamente o texto do documento conciliar.

Numa situação mais próxima da ideal, as catedrais, por exemplo, usariam o Graduale Romanum, e mesmo as grandes paróquias. Entretanto, como o leitor sabe, a situação da Liturgia é diferente, e até mesmo em celebrações do papa na Basílica de São Pedro, em Roma, às vezes se utiliza… o Graduale Simplex!

Artigo completo aqui.

Download Graduale Simplex (PDF).

Articolo sul Graduale Simplex in Italiano.

La Tradizione è moderna – intervista a mons. Valentino Miserachs Grau

Alcuni ci dicono di non riuscire più a seguire con attenzione e devozione la messa, distratti da tanta incuria per quanto riguarda i canti e la musica durante il sacrificio eucaristico. E anch’io quando vado a dir messa in parrocchia da qualche mio amico parroco, rimango attonito.
Non bisogna farsi troppe illusioni di risalire in poco tempo dal baratro in cui siamo caduti. Bisogna ricominciare poco a poco. Fare dei piccoli passi. È un po’ come insegnare a parlare e a camminare a un bambino. O, meglio ancora, è come andare al catechismo, a imparare i fondamentali della nostra fede.

Basterebbe che ogni parroco si procurasse il Liber cantualis dei padri benedettini di Solesmes che raccoglie i canti più semplici ed essenziali del gregoriano come il Credo, il Gloria, il Pater noster. O il libretto voluto da Paolo VI nel 1974 Iubilate Deo. C’è pure il repertorio pubblicato dal nostro Istituto: Celebriamo cantando i misteri della salvezza, un’antologia da noi preparata di canti gregoriani e in lingua italiana per tutte le circostanze dell’anno liturgico. Lo ristampiamo continuamente. Oltretutto, spesso inviamo i nostri insegnanti a dare una mano ai parroci.
Un’altra cosa facile da fare sarebbe far sì che nelle cattedrali, nelle chiese maggiori, nei seminari, nelle congregazioni religiose si celebrasse almeno una messa settimanale cantando il gregoriano nell’ordinario della messa. O, se risultasse troppo faticoso, almeno una volta al mese.

Leggi l’intervista completa sul sito di 30Giorni.

CD “Cantus Traditionis” – free download

I canti gregoriani più semplici che i fedeli sono invitati a imparare e cantare secondo l’intenzione della costituzione del Concilio Vaticano II sulla Sacra Liturgia.
È possibile scaricare gratuitamente sia il CD che il libretto nell’area download del sito 30 Giorni.

The most simple Gregorian chants that the faithful are invited to learn to sing according to the intention of Vatican Council II’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.
CD and Pdf downloads

Les chants grégoriens les plus simples que les fidèles sont invités à apprendre et à chanter conformément aux intentions de la Constitution du Concile Vatican II sur la sainte liturgie.
CD et Pdf Téléchargement

Los cantos gregorianos más sencillos para que los fieles los aprendan y canten, según aconseja la Constitución del Concilio Vaticano II sobre la Sagrada Liturgia.
CD y Pdf área download

Die einfachsten Gregorianischen Gesänge, die die Gläubigen laut Weisung der Konzilskonstitution über die heilige Liturgie lernen und singen sollen.
CD und Pdf downloads

Os cantos gregorianos mais simples que os fiéis são convidados a aprender e cantar segundo a intenção da Constituição do Concílio Vaticano II sobre a Sagrada Liturgia.
CD e Pdf área download

Download full zipped CD here or here.

People Look East

From a young reader of the Sunday Bulletin of The Church of the Epiphany, 1900 111th Ave NW – Coon Rapids, MN 55433

Hi, my name is ___, a freshman at [a local public] High School. Earlier this year I was extremely blest to attend the Steubenville Youth Conference with Epiphany. We learned and did a lot. I have to say, one thing really stood out to me was on the last day when we stopped at The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin. At the shrine they celebrated Mass ad orientem. It was something that really struck me; it brought up a lot of questions and also changed the focus of the Mass. Ad orientem Mass is a way of celebrating Mass where the priest faces the East rather than the people. Ad orientem comes from the Latin word, oriens, which means “the rising sun.” Jesus himself was the rising sun. He brings about all new things and life itself, just as the sun brings life to us. Celebrating the Mass ad orientem was almost universal before Vatican II. Vatican II did not call for ad orientem to stop all together, but aimed to bring the people closer to celebrate the Mass. But celebrating the Mass ad orientem truly does change the focus of the Mass. It takes the focus off the priest and puts it on the celebration of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. It is different than how we would usually celebrate Mass today. So, it brings about a different way of thinking and understanding the origins of the Mass and the way it was traditionally celebrated. Celebrating the Mass ad orientem also hits the younger generations. When we stopped at the Shrine on our way home, the Mass seemed different. The group all seemed involved with the Mass and a lot less distracted than we usually were (which interested me because we had a pretty talkative group). During the whole Mass it felt different. I was focused, not the usual for my wandering mind; it focused my thoughts on the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus. I think celebrating the Mass ad orientem at Epiphany would be a good addition because of the way it brings people into the celebration of the Mass. While it will be different and would need some explaining, it would be a great addition to the parish and its Masses. Ad orientem is a way to bring the congregations focus closer on Jesus himself truly in the Eucharist at Mass.

A priest’s thought after going ‘ad orientem’

From Fr. Z’s Blog:

We’ve been doing ad orientem at daily Mass on and off for a few months. We’ve put several articles in the bulletin to prepare the way. This Sunday we preached on ad orientem at all the Masses and celebrated facing the liturgical east at all Masses! It was well received.


The ad orientem direction tends to move the Mass from an informal communal meal, (worse still, a celebration of ourselves), to the realm of a sacrificial banquet.  The sacrificial aspect is definitely more pronounced. The prayers are directed to God the Father of all and the Real Presence of Christ seems to emerge. We are drawn into an “I-Thou” relationship.

Read the whole post here.

Das Mittel gegen die allgemeine Depression? Die lateinische Messe

„Sie sind depressiv? Besuchen Sie eine lateinische Messe.“ Diese provokante Ansage ist die Überschrift eines Artikels über die Heilige Messe im überlieferten Ritus, der heute in der italienischen Tageszeitung La Verità erschienen ist.

„Sucht eine Kirche, wo die lateinische Messe gelesen wird. Die Übersetzung findet ihr im Internet. Noch viel besser ist es, sich ein Volksmissale zu besorgen und das Gewicht der Worte zu spüren, die durch die Jahrhunderte immer dieselben waren und bleiben werden. Das bedeutet auch eine Brücke zu den Generationen von Ahnen, die uns darin vorangegangen sind. Wenn Sie nicht gläubig sind und auch kein Latein verstehen, tun Sie es dennoch. Niemand kann ohne Identität leben. Wenn Sie gläubig sind, werden Sie den Sinn für das Heilige wiederfinden, und für die Schönheit.“

Artikel von Giuseppe Nardi auf katholisches.info.

La Messe en latin et en grégorien

de Denis Crouan

Le concile Vatican II n’a jamais interdit ou limité l’usage du latin et du chant grégorien. La dernière édition du Missel romain rappelle d’ailleurs, en son article 41, qu'”il est nécessaire que les fidèles sachent chanter ensemble, en latin […] au moins quelques parties de l’Ordinaire de la messe […]”. C’est le minimum demandé. Aujourd’hui, des signes encourageants conduisent à penser que la Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium devrait pouvoir enfin être totalement et fidèlement appliquée: les récents documents de la Congrégation pour le Culte divin ainsi que les enseignements du pape Benoît XVI vont dans le sens d’un mouvement en faveur de l’expression de la liturgie rénovée qui soit véritablement conforme à “l’ancienne norme des Pères”, tant pour ce qui concerne la dignité des actions rituelles que pour ce qui touche à la qualité du chant sacré. Ce désir d’une “réforme de la réforme liturgique” – selon l’expression du Cardinal Ratzinger – est encore accentué par le fait que, lors du dernier synode sur l’Eucharistie, des évêques du monde entier ont souhaité que, pour mieux exprimer l’unité et l’universalité de l’Eglise au cours des rencontres internationales, la messe soit célébrée en latin et accompagnée de chants grégoriens; ils ont en outre demandé “que les prêtres se préparent dès le séminaire, à comprendre et valoriser la messe en latin par l’utilisation de prières latines et du chant grégorien, et à ne pas abandonner la possibilité d’éduquer les fidèles dans ce sens.” (proposition 36). Le présent ouvrage va dans le sens de ces orientations en dépassant les débats stériles qui se sont élevés au cours de l’immédiat après-concile et qui ont divisé bien des fidèles. Il s’agit maintenant d’aborder en toute liberté la question du statut liturgique de la langue latine et du chant grégorien, dans une totale fidélité à l’enseignement de Vatican II.

Our Lady of The Assumption and The English Martyrs – Cambridge

Hills Road – Cambridge (UK)
Tel: 01223 350787

Every Sunday: Sung Latin Mass at 6:30pm with The Schola Cantorum

Rosarium: at 6:00pm before the 6:30pm Latin Mass. The Holy Rosary will be prayed in Latin, the universal language of Mother Church. Under the patronage of Our Lady of the Assumption, this recitation completes the circle of the Rosary prayed each week at OLEM.

Every Thursday: Latin Mass at 6:15pm
