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Mese: Giugno 2017
The Priestly Character of Ad Orientem Worship – Zachary Thomas
The altars were turned around in the first place so that the people could participate more fully in the action of the Mass, so that liturgy would not be only a clerical affair. Paradoxically, however, the understanding of the Mass’s action as it is conveyed in the new ritual prevents such participation in that action by eliminating consciousness of it. That is because the static versus populum posture implicitly denies the priest’s mediating role, and so obscures the Mass’s nature as an efficacious action. If the Mass is physically acted out as if it were only the “proclamation of the Word,” or “a communal meal” in which a past action is celebrated, and not the active, efficacious, dramatic re-performance of the act, its priestly character breaks down. The Mass is then reduced to a clerically imposed tyranny.
LITURGY Q & A: Latin in the Liturgy of the Hours
One could use within a vernacular celebration almost any Latin element, especially if is to be sung. For example, all of the hymns and most of the antiphons have proper Latin melodies which can be used. Latin can be used as well for the Gospel canticles and the Te Deum.
Read the complete article on Zenit by Father Edward McNamara, L.C..
Affiancare il latino alla lingua locale nella Liturgia delle Ore
Si può utilizzare all’interno di una celebrazione in lingua locale quasi qualsiasi elemento in latino, specialmente se destinato al canto. Per esempio, tutti quanti gli inni e la maggior parte delle antifone sono dotate di adeguate melodie in latino che si possono usare. Il latino può essere utilizzato anche per i cantici del Vangelo e il Te Deum.
Leggere l’articolo completo su Zenit di Padre Edward McNamara, L.C.